Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Clean As Can Be!

First G.I. (general inspection) of the summer!  The girls did very well over all.  G.I.'s are only held once a week and given by all 8 counselors in the unit.  Each camper is required to pass a certain # of G.I.'s throughout the summer depending on whether they are a Gold C, Silver C, or Bronze C.  G.I.'s are also worth the most points out of all of our inspections given.  Your girls are making huge strides in the order and cleanliness of their belongings :)

Cabin #13 - Lt. Stannard

Cabin #14 - Lt. Juricic

Cabin #11 - Capt. Lambert

 Cabin #15 - Lt. Freymiller

Cabin #22 - Lt. Hermanson

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope her bedroom will be that neat and tidy. lol