Monday, June 27, 2011

Welcome to B2!

The B2 Staff would love to welcome both new and returning campers back for another great summer! We're excited for to see what this summer will bring, and look forward to working with your children.

They are our #1 priority!

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. This blog is just one of many ways for you to feel connected to your child's experience throughout the summer. Be sure to leave lots of comments under each post! We love to hear your thoughts.

It's going to be a GREAT summer!!!

Checkout our new Facebook and Twitter buttons below - an easy way for you to share with friends and family :)
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Charles & Sarah Hetzel said...

Thank you B2 for setting up this blog ... Wishing all the girls in B2 this year a great summer and a shout out to Cabin #13 and Cecily!!

Shirley Fergus said...

Thanks B2 for setting this up and can't wait to see pics!

Hi to Leilani in Cabin #11! Love you!

MAJ. KOPP said...

You are so welcome! We're already having a GREAT summer :)