Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting Started!!!

Whew! Things have been absolutely crazy here at camp, but we're finally started! The girls are starting to settle into their daily routine, and seem to be enjoying themselves. Yesterday's activities included cabin games (will post pictures later today or tomorrow), and also the oh so famous "UGLY COUNSELOR CONTEST!"

It's been a tradition for many years to start the summer with the Ugly Counselor Contest - it's a great opportunity for your girls to work together with their cabin mates to make their counselor the ugliest they possibly can. Mud was of course the most used ingredient! :)

Hope you enjoy! - Show some love using the comments link at the bottom of the post.

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Jessica Kopp said...

I'm curious, how many showers does it take to get mud off of every square inch of your body? It looks like everyone is having an amazing time. Thanks for posting the pictures....I love getting a glimpse into life at Culver.

MAJ. KOPP said...

It's called the shower of Lake Maxinkuckee! :)