Thursday, June 26, 2008

Weather Change

After some very cold nights and even chilly days, we are finally experiencing true Indiana summer weather - HUMID & HOT!!! Today was and still is a busy day for the girls. They started out by completing their first ever G.I. (General Inspection) followed by their first ever track meet of the summer - they did GREAT! We experienced a small rain storm in the afternoon which finished just in time for them to go to their last class of the day. It's almost 5:30pm right now and the girls just completed their cabin games. The rest of our day consists of dinner and their Thursday Retreat. I hope to post more later today or tomorrow! Have a great day!

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Truly Scrumptious said...

Dear Maj. Kopp,
We are so pleased with your blog. Thanks for this extra effort so that we can be closer to the exciting activities with the girls. We look forward to reading it daily! We're anxious to hear about your "retreat."
The Kinseys - California

Anonymous said...

All of Gracie's family and friends are loving this blog. I receive a new email each day from them thanking me for the link. I miss her like crazy, but I know she is having a great time. I look forward to each posting!

MAJ. KOPP said...

You are so welcome! I'm glad that it is working out so well! We have a great group of kids.

Unknown said...

We have been following your blog everyday and hope you post new pictures very soon. We are Oriana´s family from Venezuela.