Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! Your girls enjoyed a loud but colorful ceremony at the parade field on Friday. Enjoy!

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Anonymous said...

Major Kopp,
Thank you so much for keeping up with this wonderful blog! I have received some great emails from her friends about how wonderful the camp is and they are so excited when they can spot her in a picture. You are making this first camp experience much easier for me because I can keep up with her activities through this site. Your effort is much appreciated and I can't thank you enough! Best regards.

Unknown said...

Anna's grandma...
Major Kopp, I too appreciate your efforts. Even though Anna is a day camper and we see her each evening, we enjoy the pics and have made copies for her scrapbook.

MAJ. KOPP said...

You are so welcome! It's nice to know that it has been helpful and that others are able to enjoy it as well. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We're having a great summer here so far!