Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday Evening Pictures

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Carnival & Parade!

Yesterday (Sunday 6/29), Butterfly Wing 2 participated in the Girls Camp Carnival. Each cabin hosted a game or activity - check out some of the signs they made. Later in the evening we had Parade. Even though we didn't win a banner, the girls did their very best! We were all extremely proud of them. Honor Cabin this week went to Cabin #13 Lt. Thews - Congratulations girls!

My nails painted with pink and sparkles by Cabin #14

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Council Fire

Yay we have Council Fire pictures. I'm hopeful to have more after next weeks Council Fire. Enjoy!!!

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Catch Up!

Okay so I wasn't able to post yesterday - I do apologize. It was one of those days where we were all extremely busy - we could not even sit down for two minutes. The girls completed their first Retreat, which is practice for the parade on Sunday - they did a fantastic job! You all should be very proud of them. Yesterday, for the most part it was a beautiful day with just a little bit of rain. The girls had free swim and another movie night.

Today was gorgeous outside! It was the first day for Wing games - the girls play soccer or kickball. We also took them on a scavenger hunt to show them what classes are available for them to take. After the scavenger hunt, Division 3 cub counselors decided to throw a little dance party in the open field - the girls had a great time! This evening they attended the weekly Council Fire at the Council Fire Ring. We had five girls invited to participate in the dances. Now the girls are sound asleep, getting ready for our next busy day!

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