Saturday, June 30, 2012

Living in 1912

Apologies to all you parents and family members that are adamant blog checkers.  Yesterday afternoon we had a severe storm go through that took out the power in the town of Culver.  Don't worry we survived.  It may have felt like we were living in the year 1912, but everyone kept a really positive attitude about the situation and now we're back up and running.

So I'll be playing a little catchup over the next day or so from activities that I wasn't able to post while the power was out.  Hope you all are enjoying your summers so far!  Week 1 is almost done - Week 2 HERE WE COME!!!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Pier : First Free Swim

The girls absolutely loved their time at the pier today.  Even the returning campers had a surprise - the pier is brand new this summer and it is perfect! 

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