Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Go B2!!!

First round of many cabin games to be played this summer took place Monday afternoon. We always try to emphasize working as a team, doing your best and having fun! Well your girls did all three!

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

B2 Staff Talent!

Lack of a camera kept me from posting about our Woodcraft Staff Talent Show on Sunday night, but I was able to get my hands on a video of your B2 Staff busting some moves! :)

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Getting Started!!!

Whew! Things have been absolutely crazy here at camp, but we're finally started! The girls are starting to settle into their daily routine, and seem to be enjoying themselves. Yesterday's activities included cabin games (will post pictures later today or tomorrow), and also the oh so famous "UGLY COUNSELOR CONTEST!"

It's been a tradition for many years to start the summer with the Ugly Counselor Contest - it's a great opportunity for your girls to work together with their cabin mates to make their counselor the ugliest they possibly can. Mud was of course the most used ingredient! :)

Hope you enjoy! - Show some love using the comments link at the bottom of the post.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer 2010!


The B2 Staff would love to welcome both new and returning campers back for another great summer! We're excited for to see what this summer will bring, and look forward to working with your children.

They are our #1 priority!

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. This blog is just one of many ways for you to feel connected to your child's experience throughout the summer. Be sure to leave lots of comments under each post! We love to hear your thoughts.
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