Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ugly Counselor Contest!

The girls had a great time working together to make their counselors look extra ugly! It was a tough job, but I think they did great!!!

And the winner is..... LT. THEWS!!!

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Staff Talent Show

Camp is finally in full swing! On Sunday evening, after a long day of meeting, greeting, cleaning and searching for class locations, our girls got the chance to see their lovely counselors acting absolutely silly as usual! Staff Talent Show - which has become a Woodcraft tradition the first camp Sunday, was once again a huge hit! Take a look at a just a few of the hilarious moments from the show.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

SUMMER 2009!

The B2 Staff would like to welcome both new and returning campers back for another great summer! We're excited for to see what this summer will bring, and look forward to working with your children.

They are our #1 priority!

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. This blog is just one of many ways for you to feel connected to your child's experience throughout the summer. Be sure to leave lots of comments under each post! We love to hear your thoughts.

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